World Cup Ski Jump Bischofshofen in Pongau
The ski jump is famous from the annual event of the International Four Hills World Ski Jump Tournament. The stadium was named after Sepp Bradl, the greatest jumper in the history of the local ski club. On the right-hand side of the landing area you can visit the Buwi Bradl Monument. Explore now the World Cup Ski Jump Bischofshofen – a great experience!
The whole ski jump is open to the public. The interesting self guided ski jump path leads out from the town center, on the way to the jump there are large info boards to explain the most important features of this sport and the ski-jump area.
The hill size of the Paul Ausserleitner Jump is 140 m.
The jump was actually constructed in 1947 as the “Hochkönig Jump”.
2004 a extensive renovations and an enlargement of the hill was done, as well as the installation of mats for summer jumping. Today the Paul Ausserleitner Jump is the world biggest summer ski jump.
Nowadays the area is an important training center whereyou can often see teams training from around the world.
Short Facts Ski Jump:
Hill Size: HS 140
K-Point: 125 m
Hill record: 145.0 m (Gregor Schlierenzauer AUT, 2008-01-05, WC)
Official hill record: 144.5 m (Andreas Wellinger GER, 2017-01-05, WC)
Summer hill record: 143.5 m (Bernhard Gruber AUT, 2007-09-02, NC-SGP)
143.5 m (Martin Koch AUT, 2008-10-19, N-AUT)
Official summer record: 140.5 m (Jakub Janda CZE, 2005-09-03, SGP)
Ladies’ hill record: 135.0 m (Carina Vogt GER)
Inrun length: 118.5 m
Inrun angle: 27°
Take-off length: 6.5 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 4.5 m
Speed: 94.3 km/h
Travel to the World Cup Ski Jump Bischofshofen:
The Ski Jump is about away 18 km from St. Veit im Pongau.
The jump or stadium are signed anywhere. At an alley that branches off from the main road, you will see a green-white sign for the large ski jump, you can follow it. The road is going a little uphill and then into the woods. You pass a river and then reach the parking area.
A good start is to walk to the outlet to get an overview of the whole area.
You can decide to walk around the outrun oft he large hill and then to climb up the small path. When you pass the TV box also the main building will appear.
You can take then the direct route up to that path and pass through a small monument in honor of Sepp Bradl.
Bradl was a pioneer of ski jumping. He will always be in the memories of the ski jumping universe, because he was the first guy who jumped more than 100 metres on skis. His jump on the 26th of March 1936 on 101.5 meters will stay in our minds forever. Bradl also became the first overall winner of the ski jumping hill tournament and wrote histroy with that. His career ended in 1958.
The ski jump which looks tiny from distance is actually massive. The take-off which means the end of the inrun. A huge blue „B“ and „Bischofshofen“ in blue letters are painted on the jump.
You will see also the commentator boxes and behind that the Salzburger Alps. You can keep on walking to the top of the jump.
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